August 18, 2017

How to manage an unexpected redundancy?


Peter was outplaced by a large corporate after many years of success in a Middle Management role where he had significant responsibility for a production plant with a large workforce.


The departure had been handled poorly and without notice, leaving Peter with feelings of insecurity and anxiety. His shock at the news was further exacerbated by his wife and children being similarly concerned that his redundancy would impact the family’s future finances, lifestyle, and schooling.


Peter met with his Coach on the day he was advised of the redundancy, and soon after. The Coach worked with him to help him understand the emotional reaction he was experiencing and to gain clarity as to what his next options and steps should be. It was quickly determined Peter loved his work and simply wanted to be in a similar role that was both challenging and satisfying.

His Coach worked on the development of a job search plan that took Peter through a staged process of understanding the employment market, developing the right tools and materials to go to market, and building his confidence to interview and network to secure a new opportunity.


Peter was successful in a short period of time in securing a role that he reports to be both satisfying and rewarding.

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