October 23, 2015

Retirement – it sucks…..or does it?

Why bother retiring?  You lose your pay packet, your identity, your work relations, and for most, your main purpose in life.  Retirement seems like the next step to death, and that’s not cool.

For me, approaching retirement, I had all these thoughts and feelings. So with that in mind, I fronted up to see my Retirement Coach. I was hesitant and yet curious to know if there was a positive side to retirement.

Retirement coaching sessions

In one of our retirement coaching sessions I said “Well there goes my purpose in life, when I retire!”
She said “In every conversation you look for the opportunity to help others succeed. You just won’t get paid for it!”

After several sessions, and a lot of reflection and soul-searching, the ‘lights came on.’  I realised that retirement, for me, was about freedom.  The freedom ‘to Be, not an obligation to Do.’

I didn’t want to do things like be on a Board or keep working in some part-time capacity.  I really wanted to spend more time and energy Being – creative; continuously learning; enjoying family and travelling.

I had worked out that my purpose in life was simply “to help other people succeed.”  I had been doing this with my team; coaching other business leaders and their teams; and in my sport and community involvement.

Putting in place a great transition retirement plan

So with a great transition to retirement plan in place; practising spending more time on the things I enjoy; scheduling my personal calendar rather than my job calendar; having a succession plan for my role in business, I go into the next stage of my life with an open mind. I have found a ‘good zone’ to be in.

Steve Bowler
People Solutions Australasia

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