Psychometric testing for senior leadership roles
The hiring organisation did not routinely utilise psychometric assessments, but recognised the benefit they could provide in helping to differentiate between candidates. There were both internal and external candidates, some of whom applied for only one role and some who applied for both, it was important that a consistent approach was taken to ensure an even playing field for all candidates.
People Solutions proposed a full suite of assessments to provide a more complete picture of each candidate’s abilities and behavioural fit for the roles.
These included:
1) A personality assessment, to look at their preferred ways of operating at work, their leadership style, their ability to build relationships, and their strategic and decision-making approach.
2) An emotional intelligence assessment, to assess their ability to accurately perceive, appraise, and express emotion.
3) Three cognitive ability assessments (verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning) to test each candidate’s ability to meet the intellectual demands of the role.
Raw data from each of these assessments was mapped onto the given job descriptions and identified competencies for each role by People Solutions’ psychologists and consultants. This information was written up into individual candidate reports. These reports also utilised a ‘traffic light’ system to indicate whether each candidate was sound, strong, or required development on each of the competencies and for the role overall. Key strengths and development areas for each candidate for their chosen roles were also highlighted, and reference check questions were provided to help the hiring organisation follow up further on development areas.
Ten candidates underwent psychometric testing over a three-week period. People Solutions managed to turn around all reports within 1-2 days of candidates completing their final assessments. All results were presented to the Board to assist with their final decision. Successful candidates have since been selected and appointed to their roles and People Solutions psychologists have provided feedback to those candidates who wanted to better understand their own strengths and weaknesses.
Learn more about what People Solutions can do for your business. Our psychometric assessments are built specifically around your individual business needs and get the insights and answers you need to make informed decisions when hiring talent. Speak to our consultants today about our tailored solutions.