January 10, 2017

Do’s & Don’ts for unsupervised online assessment

You’re applying for a new job, great!

The interview went well, you’re feeling positive…then the employer mentions psychometric testing, eek!!

Here are a few do’s & don’ts to help you through the minefield that is online psychometric testing!

Before testing


Use the practice information that People Solutions will send you. For some tests, you can complete a practice test, for others, you will be able to look at the layout of the test and the format of the questions.  Read through the information you will be sent and contact the test provider if you have any questions.


Panic! Psychometric testing is one part of the recruitment process and it is taken in consideration, alongside your interview, experience and references.

During testing


Make sure you are in a quiet place with as few distractions and interruptions as possible, trying to complete your testing while at the airport may not be the best environment!


Leave your computer whilst in the middle of a timed test, the timer will keep ticking away, and that knocking at the door could just be the postman wanting to chat! Walking away from your computer means your true ability will not be properly recorded.

After testing


Contact the People Solutions office once you have heard from the company you applied to regarding a hiring decision.  An appointment will be made with a People Solutions consultant for you to receive verbal feedback (over the phone). During this feedback, the consultant will discuss your test results and any queries you may have regarding the testing process.


Start to second guess yourself.  The tests are designed to be challenging, you may not have finished them in the allotted time, and this is not unusual.  Following the do’s and don’ts above and working through each test as quickly and accurately as you can, will ensure you have done everything you can to perform at your best.

If you are unsure about anything, do pick up the phone and don’t hesitate to contact People Solutions.

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