September 30, 2021

Virtual Assessment Centre Mining Chemical Manufacturing


To hire candidates for the 2021 Graduate program using best-practice, evidence-based methods through both face-to-face and virtual means.


Border restrictions within Australia presented a unique challenge for this mining and chemical manufacturing company. In addition to this, 2020 presented an opportunity for growth for this company which involved the expansion of a Graduate vacancies forecast for 2021 and the introduction of a new Graduate training program. With sites and locations across Australia, this resulted in a need for quick innovation and implementation of a tailored, online assessment centre, targeted at technical, Graduate roles.


People Solutions was engaged to develop and facilitate two assessment centres, one face-to-face for their western operations, and one online for their eastern operations. For this, People Solutions designed activities and an assessment processes that were objective, fair and that could be measured consistently across both an online and face-to-face setting.


People Solutions created bespoke activities, designed to specifically elicit behaviours that align with the organisation’s values and that were appropriate for a Graduate level. These activities were designed as group discussion activities, encouraging candidates to converse and problem solve through a hypothetical situation together.

For the integrity of both online and face-to-face assessment centres, People Solutions conducted training with all HR Team and Hiring Managers (assessors), particularly focusing on objective and fair assessing and how to navigate the rating sheets and assess behaviour in an online setting.


People Solutions successfully facilitated both an online and face-to-face best-practice assessment centre for this organisation, whereby hiring targets were met, and HR and Hiring Managers made objective decisions.

Both days ran smoothly and a consistency in approach allowed for a fair comparison amongst Graduate candidates. Particularly for the online assessment centre, where Graduate candidates were able to log in from different locations across Australia to attend the assessment centre. They found the process to be enjoyable, and welcomed the opportunity to meet their peers, and Assessors from across Australia.

Although the challenges with border restrictions resulted in an online, instead of face-to-face assessment centre for 2021 Graduate candidates, the use of technology allowed a greater pool of candidates to apply as well as a greater support from the HR Team and Hiring Managers across Australia. A situation which would otherwise be unviable or require large resourcing requirements.


When asked to comment on the running of the online assessment centre, an assessor (Hiring Manager) advised “[People Solutions] did an excellent job. [the] professionalism was second-to-none and … the day [went] smoothly… Well done, thank you.”

Another Hiring Manager advised that the day was “Well facilitated…” and that they were “Impressed by the candidates.”.

Are you wondering how to adapt your recruitment techniques to fit COVID guidelines, or regulations? We’ve conducted a range of virtual assessment centres like this one. Contact us to find out how we can help set up your selection process.


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