Case StudiesAssessment Centre

Maximise the likelihood of selecting and retaining the right people

A Perth based financial services provider was experiencing high turnover for a particular role. We were able to work with them to maximise the likelihood of selecting and retaining the right person for the position.
Case StudiesAssessment Centre

Bespoke activity design for graduate assessment centres

Designing a bespoke assessment centre activity for graduate assessment centres in the insurance industry
Case StudiesAssessment Centre

Providing best practice oversight to assessment centre processes

This ambulance service has been utilising assessment centres for some time across a number of different roles, but wanted to ensure that what they were doing was in line with best practice.
Case StudiesAssessment Centre

Graduate Assessment Centres in Mining

Situation This mining organisation was preparing for their 2023 graduate and vacation student intake, with a large number of candidates...
Case StudiesAssessment Centre

Running Assessment Centres across the World

Situation People Solutions has been designing and facilitating assessment centres to recruit for a variety of roles across this health...
Case StudiesAssessment Centre

Virtual Assessment Centre Mining Chemical Manufacturing

Objectives To hire candidates for the 2021 Graduate program using best-practice, evidence-based methods through both face-to-face and virtual means. Situation...
Assessment Centre

Assessing and Developing Culture, Engagement and Wellbeing in Organisations Webinar

Earlier in the year, Director of People Solutions, Mark Greenwood and colleague Georgia Nedkoff ran an online webinar and took...
COVID-19Assessment Centre

How to run a successful assessment centre in a virtual world

In December last year, People Solutions team members Georgia and Courtenay ran an online webinar to a range of HR...
Case StudiesAssessment CentrePsychometric TestingSelection

Maximise the likelihood of selecting and retaining the right people

Situation A Perth-based financial services company were rapidly growing, whilst experiencing a high turnover rate in the ‘Solutions Specialist’ role. The...
Case StudiesAssessment Centre

Creating COVID-Safe Assessment Centres for St John Ambulance

Situation St John Ambulance WA have been using Assessment Centres for a number of years as part of the selection...
Case StudiesAssessment CentreSelection

Virtual Assessment Centre – An alternative to face-to-face

Situation COVID-19 presents a unique challenge for recruiting teams across the globe. While the work we do hasn’t changed, the...
Case StudiesAssessment CentreSelection

Recruiting operational employees for a new LNG facility

Situation A mid-tier Oil & Gas company ventured into a 100% owner-operator onshore processing facility (expansion of an existing facility...
Case StudiesAssessment CentreSelection

Recruiting operational employees for a new Greenfields expansion project

Situation A global mining company with established mines and ports in Western Australian ventured into a large expansion of one...