Career Transition

The Post Covid Career Change

With post-Covid life emerging for many of us, we’re seeing a lot on social media about people of all ages...
Career Transition

How to support your employees after a company restructure

Studies have shown that downsizing can negatively impact employees who remain with the company. Decreasing the workforce by just 1%...
Career TransitionOutplacement Services

Why invest in outplacement services?

When you hold a leadership role in any business, there is a strong likelihood you will be faced with managing...
Career TransitionOutplacement ServicesOutplacement Services - Individual

How to proactively access the hidden job market

We have been speaking to our Outplacement clients recently about their concerns that there are relatively few jobs being advertised....
Career TransitionOutplacement Services

How Do You Feel About Redundancies? Who cares – you’re just the leader.

As leaders of a business – big or small – we need to focus on the well-being of our people,...
Career Transition

Tips For Maintaining Your Motivation While Job Hunting

Given the current state of the job market, it can sometimes take a bit longer than usual to land your...
Career Transition

Traditional Work Life Is No More – Adopting A Portfolio Of Jobs

With the advent of the internet and rapid advances in technology, the traditional workflow in organisations are changing. This, combined...
Career Transition

Beyond the Lunch Table

How we helped an organisation transition workers from full time work, into retirement More often than not when we talk...
Case StudiesCareer TransitionOutplacement Services - IndividualRetirement Coaching

Successful transition to retirement through Work-Life Horizon

Situation Aged 70, Ian, an extensively trained scientist with fifteen years of service had just started to think about retirement!...
Case StudiesCareer TransitionOutplacement Services - Individual

How can the outplacement program assist with understanding yourself?

Situation Rachael, a marketing manager in her late 30’s was unsure about her future direction after her role was made...
Case StudiesCareer TransitionOutplacement Services - Individual

How to manage an unexpected redundancy?

Situation Peter was outplaced by a large corporate after many years of success in a Middle Management role where he...
Case StudiesCareer TransitionOutplacement Services - Individual

How to navigate the hidden job market?

Situation David, a 63 year old payroll administrator with five plus years’ experience in one company, was extremely pessimistic about...
Case StudiesCareer TransitionOutplacement Services - Individual

How to adjust to a new reality?

Challenge A legally qualified, multilingual HR professional in her mid 30’s, Gertrude felt overwhelmed when she first started her Program...
Career Transition

Retirement – it sucks…..or does it?

Why bother retiring?  You lose your pay packet, your identity, your work relations, and for most, your main purpose in...