Assessment Centre

Assessing and Developing Culture, Engagement and Wellbeing in Organisations Webinar

Earlier in the year, Director of People Solutions, Mark Greenwood and colleague Georgia Nedkoff ran an online webinar and took...
Case StudiesPsychometric Testing

Psych Testing for IT Roles Insurance Services

Objectives This organisation newly introduced values, and a leadership framework, which was deemed as necessary to measure so as to assess for overall cultural fit....
Case StudiesPsychosocial

Improve and enhance the wellbeing of FIFO employees

Client Objectives The organisation sought to measure the wellbeing of their employees on a remote site that had recently been...
Career Transition

How to support your employees after a company restructure

Studies have shown that downsizing can negatively impact employees who remain with the company. Decreasing the workforce by just 1%...
Case StudiesSafety

To empower team members to take control of safety outcomes

Situation People Solutions was engaged by the organisation to enhance the safety culture by developing the behavioural safety practices of...
Career TransitionOutplacement Services

Why invest in outplacement services?

When you hold a leadership role in any business, there is a strong likelihood you will be faced with managing...
COVID-19Assessment Centre

How to run a successful assessment centre in a virtual world

In December last year, People Solutions team members Georgia and Courtenay ran an online webinar to a range of HR...
Case StudiesAssessment CentrePsychometric TestingSelection

Maximise the likelihood of selecting and retaining the right people

Situation A Perth-based financial services company were rapidly growing, whilst experiencing a high turnover rate in the ‘Solutions Specialist’ role. The...
Psychometric TestingSelection

Measuring Candidate Integrity during Selection

The understanding of organisational psychology has been progressively improving year after year. With this increased understanding, comes an awareness of...
Case StudiesAssessment Centre

Creating COVID-Safe Assessment Centres for St John Ambulance

Situation St John Ambulance WA have been using Assessment Centres for a number of years as part of the selection...
SelectionWhite Papers

Embracing and recruiting for neurodiversity

There has been an increasing interest and focus in recent years towards organisations recognising and leveraging the unique skillsets of...
Career TransitionOutplacement ServicesOutplacement Services - Individual

How to proactively access the hidden job market

We have been speaking to our Outplacement clients recently about their concerns that there are relatively few jobs being advertised....
Career TransitionOutplacement Services

How Do You Feel About Redundancies? Who cares – you’re just the leader.

As leaders of a business – big or small – we need to focus on the well-being of our people,...

Virtual meeting etiquette – do you show your face?

Last week, one of our consultants was in a virtual client meeting where only she and one other person had...
Case StudiesAssessment CentreSelection

Virtual Assessment Centre – An alternative to face-to-face

Situation COVID-19 presents a unique challenge for recruiting teams across the globe. While the work we do hasn’t changed, the...
SelectionWhite Papers

Improving the recruitment and selection of people with disabilities

Despite representing nearly 20% of the Australian population, people with disabilities are severely underrepresented in the workforce and face numerous...

Running a virtual assessment centre – our guide for effective processes

COVID-19 presents a unique challenge for recruiting teams across the globe. While the work we do hasn’t changed, the landscape...

The importance of Abstract Reasoning for leaders

The past few years since the COVID-19 pandemic have been difficult for business leaders. While the initial shock may have...