Case StudiesPsychometric Testing

Helping Teachers Become Leaders

Leveraging psychometric assessments, 360s, and coaching conversations to help teachers become leaders within their schools.   Situation We have been...
Case StudiesPsychometric Testing

Assisting Schools in Ensuring They Are Getting the Right Leaders Now and into the Future

Using psychometric assessment to identify the required leadership attributes for success in a school environment.   Situation Schools have been...
Case StudiesPsychometric Testing

Assessment for Selection: Working with Executive Recruitment Firms

Recently, People Solutions have worked with an executive search firm for the selection of a Senior Manager for an international...
Case StudiesPsychometric Testing

Psych Testing for IT Roles Insurance Services

Objectives This organisation newly introduced values, and a leadership framework, which was deemed as necessary to measure so as to assess for overall cultural fit....
Case StudiesAssessment CentrePsychometric TestingSelection

Maximise the likelihood of selecting and retaining the right people

Situation A Perth-based financial services company were rapidly growing, whilst experiencing a high turnover rate in the ‘Solutions Specialist’ role. The...
Psychometric TestingSelection

Measuring Candidate Integrity during Selection

The understanding of organisational psychology has been progressively improving year after year. With this increased understanding, comes an awareness of...
Psychometric Testing

Part Three: Psychometric Testing – Sample Return on Investment (ROI) Case Study

Part Two of our Return on Investment (ROI) of psychometric testing series provided you with a formula you can use...
Psychometric Testing

Part Two: ROI of Psychometric Testing: How do you know if it is right for you?

Part One of this series outlined the broad value adds of psychometric testing for recruitment, but how do you know...
Psychometric Testing

Part One: ROI of Psychometric Testing: Why use it?

According to a study by Harvard University, approximately 80% of employee turnover can be attributed to mistakes made during the...
Psychometric Testing

Do’s & Don’ts for unsupervised online assessment

You’re applying for a new job, great! The interview went well, you’re feeling positive…then the employer mentions psychometric testing, eek!!...
Psychometric Testing

Psychometric Testing: Not just for recruitment

  The majority of our customers use psychometric testing for recruitment purposes. They use these tests to understand more about...
Psychometric Testing

Supervised VS Unsupervised Psychometric Testing

Organisations big and small are using psychometric testing to select the right candidate, paying off in the long term with...