Case StudiesSelection

Gender Bias Audit of Recruitment Processes

Cultural change and increasing female representation within a mining company. A desktop audit of their recruitment processes helped to identify potential gender bias.

Measuring candidates’ openness to diversity & inclusion in selection

Diversity and inclusion are strong contributors to improved performance and profitability for Australian businesses. Many companies are looking for ways...
Case StudiesAssessment CentrePsychometric TestingSelection

Maximise the likelihood of selecting and retaining the right people

Situation A Perth-based financial services company were rapidly growing, whilst experiencing a high turnover rate in the ‘Solutions Specialist’ role. The...
Psychometric TestingSelection

Measuring Candidate Integrity during Selection

The understanding of organisational psychology has been progressively improving year after year. With this increased understanding, comes an awareness of...
SelectionWhite Papers

Embracing and recruiting for neurodiversity

There has been an increasing interest and focus in recent years towards organisations recognising and leveraging the unique skillsets of...
Case StudiesAssessment CentreSelection

Virtual Assessment Centre – An alternative to face-to-face

Situation COVID-19 presents a unique challenge for recruiting teams across the globe. While the work we do hasn’t changed, the...
SelectionWhite Papers

Improving the recruitment and selection of people with disabilities

Despite representing nearly 20% of the Australian population, people with disabilities are severely underrepresented in the workforce and face numerous...

Running a virtual assessment centre – our guide for effective processes

COVID-19 presents a unique challenge for recruiting teams across the globe. While the work we do hasn’t changed, the landscape...

The importance of Abstract Reasoning for leaders

The past few years since the COVID-19 pandemic have been difficult for business leaders. While the initial shock may have...

Benefits of Using Assessment Centres to Hire Graduates

It can be quite challenging for an organisation to identify the most suitable candidate for a graduate role. With an...
Case StudiesSafetySelection

To better understand candidate safety knowledge and behaviour at the point of recruitment

Situation One of our clients is a national supplier of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) to...

Talkative + Friendly = Success

Are Assessment Centres fair to all? Over the years of facilitating Assessment Centres for all different types of job roles,...
Case StudiesAssessment CentreSelection

Recruiting operational employees for a new LNG facility

Situation A mid-tier Oil & Gas company ventured into a 100% owner-operator onshore processing facility (expansion of an existing facility...
Case StudiesCommercial Research LabSelection

Cost effective development of a bespoke screening tool

Situation An agricultural labour workforce company contacted People Solutions as they were wanting to develop an assessment tool for screening...
Case StudiesAssessment CentreSelection

Recruiting operational employees for a new Greenfields expansion project

Situation A global mining company with established mines and ports in Western Australian ventured into a large expansion of one...
Case StudiesSelection

Innovative approach to selecting Indigenous candidates

The Challenge A mid-tier mining company in the south west of Western Australia required assistance in designing and facilitating an...

Assessment Centres Designed Specifically for Diversity

The importance of a diverse workforce continues to be a key driver for all Employers. Whilst ensuring inclusion, diversity of...

What is ‘Best Practice’ when recruiting and selecting Indigenous candidates?

One area of particular interest to us and our clients is in understanding and employing best practice recruitment and selection...

Using technology in your graduate campaign

We can confidently say that everyone knows at least one person who makes more eye contact with their phone than...